31 October, 2008

Flitting fairies, Flying super-heroes and a Choo-Choo!

Alona was super Alona! Grandma Wood made her a cape especially for her with an A on the back of it. Abbi was a fairy, used her sister's ballet costume. And Kacen was Thomas the Tank Engine. Kacen loves trains!
Paul's work Halloween party was real nice. Kind of like when you go to Wal-Mart, for your one stop shopping. You could go to his work and be done with trick or treating. Their baskets/bags were full to the brim. We came home and I had a brief rest, about ten minutes ... I really needed a nap(am very tired lately) but got up and went straight to the neighbors for their little party. It gave my children all a chance to play with other children and gave Daddy time to start his home work. We came home and had hot dogs and fresh veggies that we had brought home from Paul's work. We weren't quite ready in time to make it to the down town festivities so to not stress ourselves out, stress myself out, we just started walking around the block and went from there deciding where we would go. We went to 1000 East, the street behind us and there were many more lights on this year! Even some of the houses that had their lights out were handing out candy, I think one of them had a broken light. And then some houses had their lights on and a sign on their door that said they were not giving out candy. Alona, midway through trick or treating said Mom when I see the doors with the signs on them I know that they are not giving out candy. Abbi had a lot of fun running up to the houses ahead of us and getting to the doors first. "Mom, I want to say trick or treat!" She enjoyed knocking and talking to the people opening the doors to her. At our very last house that we went to she really flitted up their side walk, looked just like a real fairy would.
Alona first took her scooter trick or treating , her cape flapping in the wind as she soared on her scooter. Alona's boots started getting to her and she rode in the stroller while Mommy carried Kacen for a while. Alona has always done real well with her candy consumption, ever since she was really little she wouldn't eat too much because she knew that it would make her sick. She has always been smart and practical.
Kacen kept his hat on most of the time. He was a real good sport, Thomas' face bothered him, especially when he would sit down and he would ask us to take it off. We went to the apartments that were behind the stake center, Kacen says " Mom I'm a Choo-Choo!" In almost every bowl he would pick out the sucker that was there, he had one in each hand and held on to them for the longest time. I would have to trade him so that he would pick a new treat. Kacen's bag was getting heavy and I asked him if I could hold it for him, "No." We would occasionally go up to some one new and ask Kacen if he wanted a piece of candy, "No." he would say as he looked at each hand that all ready had a candy in it. I asked him, Can I get a candy for you, "No". I put one in there for him any way. He did a great job walking from the stroller or from mom to the door and helping to knock. I caught on video all of them saying, "Happy Halloween."
And in the last picture, can you tell how sleepy everyone is? All tired out from trick or treating!

1 comment:

Paul said...

man it was cold, but yeah I swear they had like 7 pounds of candy when we were done, it was great! :)