28 October, 2007

Bucket of Fuss

Kacen is getting his first four molars in! He has ear infections, again. A rash that makes me want to scream just looking at it and we are down to nursing once a day and wondering when that will be eliminated. Hence the phrase, bucket of fuss!
His maxillary first molars are here! The picture on the right indicates the baby mouth and highlights the molars he is getting. The bottom left molar is almost all the way broken through the upper left one is making itself known and the formation of the other two can be seen clearly through the gums.
Our children are well known for having ear infections. Abbi had them at least six times, four of those occasions were simultaneously. She had three different antibiotics and tubes being put into her ears were mentioned. Alona had them so much it was an ordinary occasion to go to the doctor for a normal check up and notice, oh she has an ear infection! Kacen and Abbi both had ear infections on their first birthday's. The first time that I took Alona in, I had noticed that she was just acting different, not herself, she was a little more whiney than normal for her. And she had an ear infection, no pulling at the ears, no screaming, none of the others symptoms associated with it. And so when the doctors after telling me that my child has an ear infection say come back if he doesn't seem to get better...I go in anyway, my children are not much off of "normal" when they have an ear infection.
Nursing, Kacen goes to bed without nursing. This is great, I can even get him to wake up without nursing. But either when he is just so ornery that he wants so badly to be comforted or he has waited long enough in his eyes(24 or so hours). He starts crawling up my leg and biting me or throwing himself backwards and screaming hysterically. This is a boy who does NOT take naps. He is happy unless you try to make him sleep...the one exception, car rides! This has changed so much, at one month old car rides were the thing that he despised the most and now it is MY saving grace!

25 October, 2007

tunneling through

Kacen really enjoyed aunt Laura's box that she sent, and the girls enjoyed the present inside! At first they crawled through like crazy and then they decided to be little bunny rabbits and hide in them and then hop around! So it was their little bunny hole. Kacen enjoyed peeking through the hole at his sister's it was a fun peek-a-boo game! Thanks Aunt Laura!

22 October, 2007

Elmo thinks your One-derful !

....(saying inside of one of his birthday cards).

Kacen had fun opening his presents. There were two that were wrapped and three that had tissue paper in them. I got the paper started on the first present and he grabbed a hold and kept it going.

I've got it Mom, I'm pulling!

Looks its some cars, just what I wanted!

He loves the teddy bear, he has decided that the teddy bear is best when its nose is being bitten. Thats what he did when we pulled it out of a cute trick-or-treat bag, he went right for the nose!

He did really well eating his spaghetti and dove into his cake. After a while he tried his spoon and then the ice cream turned in to mush! And then came the fingers and hands playing around in the bowl full of milky liquid and he was so done! He had to have me there while opening his presents. When I tried to stand off where he could see me, he would cry every time that he caught a glance of me. So I came and sat next to him and he was so much happier. I thought he would have been hysterical. He likes using silverware now and keeps getting better at it. Today, his birthday he took six steps!!! SIX! He is letting go more and more, its great.
I tried to make a cake with a car on it, the frosting was really liquidy, but it was still cute, I can't wait to get better at cake decorating!

Menu for dinner:
Homemade Spaghetti Sauce (with noodles of course) sauted mushrooms meat cheese salad bread homemade cake and frosting
What was I thinking, doing a potluck open house dinner. That so does not work. Everyone was there except for the salad dressing person and people were getting antsy though it showed up two minutes later. I will have to re-think my logic.

Answers to questions(questions are on previous post):

2.Murray, Utah(Cottonwood Hospital)

3.Size 4

4.six months

5.October 22

6.duck, quack, quack

7. Here are three I thought of: 1. Wave bye, bye 2. Blow Kisses 3. Climb anywhere, (he is a monkey!!)

9. at 3 months

10. his right eye lid
Kacen, October 22nd, 2007! Official 1 year picture!

21 October, 2007

Getting to Know, Kacen....

This is a Questionnaire that I passed at Kacen's party, a guess and see how well that they knew Kacen and a get to know him, if they didn't do so well. See how you fare!...

1. How many teeth does Kacen have?
2.Where was he born?
3.What size shoe does he wear?
4.At what age did he start to crawl?
5.When is his birthday?
6.What animal and animal noise does he say the most?
7.Name three things Kacen can do!
8.What is his favorite cold cereal?
9.When did his first tooth come in?
10.Where was his stitches?

Answers to come!

This past year>>

One Month...

Two months...

Three months...

Four months...

Five months...

Six Months...

Seven Months.....

Eight Months....

Nine Months....

Ten Months....

Eleven Months....


And more birthday info to come too! Boy am I tired! Long weekend, long night! Goodnight!

15 October, 2007

What do I do now?

Kacen went to sleep with in ten minutes and without nursing. What do I do with myself now? This past year has been challenging, demanding, great! My youngest is making the transition from a baby and I'm not so sure! Free time, this just seems so weird. I feel like I should be doing something. Having a job, going to school, I have energy still, learning is good. Yes, I can do more here. Find more things to teach my children, pull out my sewing machine(Alona has a few dresses that need to be fixed). Scrap booking takes so long to pull out, but that would be fun. It is going to be hard to get into a different routine. He will not drink milk, he does drink water and juice occasionally. I know that he is getting plenty of liquids for how many times that he is wet. I just worry about him getting everything that he needs. Which is weird, this is my third baby, I know by now that they all turn out ok, but I still worry. The picture is of him enjoying playing in his yogurt. I am giving him chances to experiment with him feeding himself. I give him a spoon, but his hands do most of the work.
Kacen's festivities are planned and now to execute them. A potluck birthday party at my sisters house. I will make the cake Friday night and then just decorate it at her house. I am making the spaghetti sauce from scratch and have asked everyone else to bring something. And I will make the birthday cake and will need to get some ice cream, which I could try to make it grandma friendly (ok so more family members than that are diabetic!) and buy some sugar free ice cream. My sister is sweet letting me do it at her house, letting a good 20-40 family members come and hang out there, depending on who is able to come.

10 October, 2007


I have been tagged (I think!)

Four Jobs:
1. A Mother
2. Taco Time
3. Wendy's
4. Lagoon

Places I've Lived:
1. Layton, Utah
2. Provo, Utah
3. Magna, Utah
4. Ogden, Utah
(I haven't gotten around much.)

Four Movies That I Love/Like:
1. Hackers
2. Grease
3. Mannequin
4. Gone in 60 seconds

Four Favorite Foods:
1. Mexican
2. Mom's pizza
3. Chow Mein/Stir Fry
4. My favorite kind of food, the kind that I don't have to cook!

Four Weird Things About Me:
1. I wear my shoes out within a month
2. Watching 2-3 extra children is stress relieving
3. I stay up 18 hours a day and putt off going to bed at night
4. I am afraid of not having things, food, money, I dread spending money but when I do I buy extra food and such things!

Four Favorite TV Shows:
1.CSI is good most times!
2. Super Nanny!
3. Wife Swap, I would never do this..but it is fun to watch.

Four Places I'd Rather Be:
1. Layton, Utah
2. Finished with Paul's school then someday owning a home
3. Anaheim, California
4. At peace with a husband who holds me and understands me.

Four People I Am Tagging:
1. Marta
2. Kara
3. Staci
4.Gee, I don't think I know that many people on the internet

Down he Goes

Yesterday Kacen said Alona! And the day before, Tuesday, I would have swore he said Jesus! In fact I am quite sure of it. But no one else was around to hear, darn! Today every time he would go outside and climb the two steps that we have in the back yard, he would go back toward them, I ran as fast as I could thinking I needed to catch him! Surprise, surprise my baby is getting big! He was like Mom, what are you doing?! I am fine, see and he turned his body around, his feet dangling over the stairs and climbed down the stairs and stood back up at the bottom! This came out of no where, my little silent observer and fast learner!

06 October, 2007

Conference Day

General Conference today. The girls each got a paper with pictures of: the Prophet, A Temple, A heart, Jesus, a tithing slip, a Baptismal Font and the scriptures. They colored each picture one color and then got candy to match their pictures...Alona colored Jesus blue so when she heard them say something about Jesus she was able to eat a blue skittle, so on and so forth. Abbi though was like ewww candy! And she ate all of her candy before the first hymn had been finished. This caused much contention. Abbi ran over a few times and grabbed handfuls of Alona's candy and shoved it into her mouth because Abbi didn't have any candy left. Alona was real good, real cute, the speaker would end their talk and they would say "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Oop I get to eat one, cause they said Jesus!"

After the first session of conference I was attending to Abbi. I could hear Kacen was in the kitchen, and I went in to peak. This is what I had found, he had pulled Alona's placemat off of the table and it landed quite nicely on the chair. He decided that he was hungry and was going to eat her lunch that she had left. The damage was already done, he was enjoying himself and seemed happy that he had found his own food and was feeding himself. So I left him to his business and finished helping Abbi. Afterwards I went back and cleaned it all up. It was a gentle reminder of,
"Mom, you should mop again today!"

03 October, 2007

little people

We were at Wal-Mart looking in the little girl clothing section and we saw a shirt with a dwarf sitting on a mushroom. Abbi was the first to notice it and said, "Santa's goin potty! I go potty too!" It was so hilarious!

Sunday, Alona had a part in her primary program here. I could hear her! From half way back in the chapel. She was her cute self, she knew all of the words, she layed her hands on top of each other and rested her head on them and sang that way for a while. Marta and Kelly came to watch her. It was great to have support. Paul has an appointment with a sleep specialist, I hope they can figure this out.
Marta brought their costumes that she made for them. Cutest little pirate costumes, can't buy nothing like them in the stores. They already have swords and eye patches to go along with it.
Tuesday we went to the library. We made it in time for the toddler story time, but missed Alona's story time. She was deeply saddened. We will try for that one tomorrow. Toddler story time was the letter E. They flew on their magic carpets to Egypt and the played with puppets monkey's teased a crocodile, "You can't catch me" they would say and the crocodile came along and sneezed and each monkey one at a time flew into the crowd of children. Alona was asking very earnestly for them to throw her a monkey, she was in tears when they didn't.
Kacen had a lot of fun with the bins of books. They have the baby and toddler books in this cubby holes that are all lined up in a row. He would take each book from one cubby hole one at a time and put them in the one next to it until he had emptied it out. So darn cute and fun to watch.

Climbing up hill. I was trying to catch a video of Kacen pushing the tricycle around. And I got it, this one is of him is going up hill with Alona's help and encouragement. She loves to help him with things.
Pizza, Kacen's first pizza without cutting it up, he really enjoyed folding it in half and eating it. On Friday I searched out a new wardrobe JC Penney, D.I., Walmart. I found that JC Penney is cheaper than Walmart and well D.I. didn't have much to offer. I found two shirts at D.I. and so I went back to JC Penney, ran in and grabbed him a wardrobe. A warm all fleece pj's 3 long sleeve onesie's, three shirts, an insulated rain suit, a jacket, two outfits with pants, one is a really cute hoodie. Yes children can be expensive, children are worth it, children need you. And they are so cute in clothes. More post with Kacen in his new wardrobe to come. He is wearing a new onesie in these. We were playing with little people while dad and sisters were gone, he was playing with the lion who knows if it was mom going rarr or the button making that sound. Shortly after he goes roarr!
Abbi is a darling cute little girl. She loves this bike to death and brought it out on the grass and was riding it around like it was her very own galloping horse. I threw the boomerang and she and her horse went after it! Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun,Dun, Dun Dun!