21 December, 2011

If there was one thing I could change

About our house,
it would be the swamp cooler!

I went to bed late this morning, before heading to bed I had Kacen who had to get a drink and as he was going down the stairs he was saying how he didn't feel well. I laid him on the couch with a bowl just in case. I kept hearing drip.... drip....drip thinking that it was part of a dream or the nightmare that I was having. I woke less than an hour after laying down and went to look for the dripping, we had our swamp cooler leaking a few drops before, so that's what I figured this was.

I turn on the light and look and this time it wasn't just a little drip! It had torn the paint and damaged some of the wall and ceiling. Then going to living room, Kacen is not there, I figured he was better and had gone downstairs. He was getting sick in the bathroom downstairs and had all ready been sick in the living room while I was asleep.
Thankfully though I have a husband that was able to leave work when I got a hold of him. He came home I talked to him for a second and he shut the door to our bedroom that is right on the other side of the swamp cooler, who knew that was all I needed to fall asleep. He checked out the damage saw what was needed to be able to fix it and had it all done before I woke up again.
And Kacen has been feeling much better, yay for nights that turn around :D