01 October, 2008

New Addition

Sunday night after I got home, we search the classifieds to find her. We were searching for a free, female cat and we found an ad on ksl for five kittens and she was one of them. Alona on the way to Highland to go and get her wanted to name her Gilbert and Abbi wanted to name her Stripes. When they got to the house, I told them that if the black and white one was a girl that I wanted that one! And she was! So we named her Gibby, since Gilbert was a girl. Gilbert comes from the cartoon, Caillou. Abbi and Kacen were eating doritos the other day and then they started playing with the cat. Alona says, "Mom, they got cheeto spots on her." I told her that she came that way. I thought that was cute.


jayne wells said...

Your cat is darling! Hazel would be so jealous!
I want you to know you amaze me. I think you are an amazing mother and such a strong woman. I'm proud of you.

Kasynia said...

Oh my gosh, what a CUTE kitty!