13 October, 2008

Favorite 8's

I got tagged... with the 8's

8 TV shows I love to watch:
1. House
2. law and order
3. CSI las veges and miami
4. cold case
5. Biggest Loser
6. ER
7. Numbers
8. umm ... I don't watch TV enough to have a number 8

8 favorite places I love to eat:
1. Los Hombros
2. Papa Johns
3. chinese by my sisters
4. Applebees
5. Olive Garden
6. Chili's
7. Wendy's
8. taco time

8 things that happened yesterday(Monday)
1. took the van to be looked at (sure hope some one buys it)
2. made dinner
3. got ice cream cones at Macey's
4. Got 50 cent halloween m&m bags at rite aid
5. read to my children
6. played ring around the rosies
7. bought a Christmas present off of ebay
8. held a vibrating kitty

8 things I look forward to:
1. Paul's graduation
2. June 2009
3. being a better mother to my children than my mother was for me
4. having a bathroom counter
5. getting rid of our old van
6. having a stroller
7. reading the sunday school lesson before Sunday
8. shoes without holes

8 things I love about Fall:
1. pumpkin patches
2. looking at decorations
3. decorating house
4. raking leaves and stuffing bags with them
5. canning
6. trick or treating
7. dressing up my children
8. the colors

8 things on my wish list:
1. getting out of debt
2. canning salsa from all the tomatoes in the fridge (I feel too drained to do it.)
3. Having a house, some day
4. moving from Provo
5. Kacen being potty trained
6. Abbi having no accidents
7. sew better
8. go to disneyland

I tag anyone who wants to participate.

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