24 October, 2008

He's a Big BOY Now!

Kacen turned two on Wednesday. He helped me make his birthday cake. I had the batter in the bowl all mixed and he wanted to help, so he poured the batter in to the pan and then wanted the bowl, he wanted to "eat it". So I gave him the ladle and the bowl and at first he ate all that he could with that thing and then he wasn't able to scoop any more out and so he put his mouth in the bowl, but couldn't get it in far enough. So there his whole head went, I only had my phone at the time, so the pictures are blurry, but cute little boy.
After picking Alona up from school we went to Kiddie Kandids to take his free one year picture. We were there about ten minutes late and so the lady that had an appointment 15 minutes after me got to go, which okay, fine. But then the lady that was finished decides to gal-avant around the portrait studio like she had nothing better to do. Meanwhile I was running around chasing my newly discovered 2 year old. He managed to get in to the jewelry store next to kiddie kandids and pick up one of their chocolate covered apples and put it in his mouth. He decided that the taste of it wasn't to his liking and spat it out all over their floor and all over his shirt. So I picked up the pieces off of the floor and decided that his shirt was unsalvageable, so I ran over to gymboree and got the best and cheapest one that I could find and then went back to kiddie kandids. The lady's response when I commented that she had been doing nothing for ten minutes and not helping me, " I didn't know you were ready!" Oh my word! I told her about all the chasing around I was doing with my little boy and the things that he had gotten in to and well, that lady choose to stay away from me and I saw the other photographer. While I had went to chase Kacen, I came back to found an Abbi in tears, she didn't know where I had gone while chasing Kacen in to the jewelry store, I bribed her in to feeling better with more candy from the jewelry store!
We went to kangaroo zoo in Pleasant Grove, and was so glad that our one guest Grandma Wood came and enjoyed the zoo with us. They had a lot of fun. Kacen isn't quite big enough to climb up the big slides, so he had to be carried by dad or by mom. He had a lot of fun running off and being chased by daddy! After Kangaroo Zoo we found the nearest little Ceasars, got pizza and ate on a spot of grass across the street.
Kacen's first reaction to his cake was to take out his candle and eat the frosting off of the bottom and then stick it back in to the cake. He also decided that it would be more fun to eat out of the cake pan than off of his own plate. Papa called at just the right time, we were getting ready to sing Happy Birthday when he called and then he sang it to him on the phone with us. He opened the presents that he got, a Thomas the train set from his Mom and Dad and a basketball hoop and basketball from Grandma and Papa. We also got him motorcycles from grandma Caren and Aunt Crystal gave him a kickball when she saw him last Saturday.
We came home and Kacen played trains with Daddy and Abbi until it was bath and bed time. It was an overall good day!


Mandy said...

I'm so sorry that we missed that! It would have been fun to go to Kangaroo Zoo with you guys. :)

It sounds pretty eventful! I would have offered to take on the girls so you could take just Kacen but Archer was still icky... Next time - you let me know! I am more than willing to help out if you need it. :)

Glad that "over all" it was a good day. :) We still have his present and the pictures because I am absent minded... Maybe I'll remember and bring it to church. :)

HUGS! :)

Paul said...

yeah, he had a great time with Grandma, Mom, his sisters, and I. I had wished more people would have contacted us to wish him a happy birthday, but I guess only some people thought of him that day. Oh well, I'm glad he's too young to understand and be disappointed.