22 October, 2008

maybe this is a little too much info...

I am a little cautious having this out there for whomever to see. Thats why I did it the way I did a little over a week ago, emailing the people that commented on my blog about the news. Glad to see there was a warmer reaction than I received from quite a few family members. There is so much that can happen in the first trimester and I am just treading through the first half of it. There are things in this pregnancy that are different than my other three, bleeding once, and pain in my lower abdomen occasionally (once when I sneezed this past week). Maybe it is the fact that I have been around so many pregnant women in the past two years and in the past few months there have been quite a few miscarriages that I have known about. Four actually and probably some that people haven't disclosed to the likes of me. Right now I am sick too, I have a head cold along with being nauseous and throwing up, hopefully only first trimester symptoms. Lets just say that I seriously can not wait until my first appointment on November 12th (at about 8 weeks) to reassure me that the baby inside of me is there, growing and healthy.

I worry a lot too, not just while pregnant, about being prepared, having everything that I need and worry about being without(have had that a few times in my life). So with being pregnant its about the baby and the baby stuff. With the past three babies the high chair that we had got torn up and our stroller got broken, socks get lost and toys grow things on them, each baby goes through a lot of diapers and well there are just some things that I never had with babies that would be fun. So I went ahead and bought the stroller as said in previous post, a changing table and shelves and have put the rest of the things on the babiesrus registry to calm myself from buying anything more. Because well, I have a more than seven months to go need a lot more time to save for things. I will buy more as time goes by and delete them off the list, so I thought that I would put it out there, if anyone wants to check it out you can.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Please let me know if there is anything you need. Jeremiah and I are going thru our basement and all our treasures from the boys and Robyn. You are welcome to any that you would like. :)