02 November, 2008

I am a Mother!

Being a Mother is a great thing and something that I would not trade for anything in the world. Watching children grow, learn and being a part of this daily is amazing. I love having a two and three year old. They have a desire to be near me and to help mommy. "I help!" as Kacen always says. He wanted to help with dinner the other night and so I pulled a chair up next to me and he stirred the spaghetti sauce in with the meat for the recipe that I was doing. "stir, stir, stir." He enjoyed playing in the soapy dish water, "bubbles" and trying to wash the dishes. He helps by giving me the dirty laundry as I am sorting it.
Abbi, my sweet three year old. Folds clothes with me and loves to do the dishes "by herself". She of course is starting to become more independently minded and not wanting to help as much, and I will miss this some. All part of growing. Abbi has recently developed a new skill, working the mouse on the computer, to watch her put that arrow where it goes and understand so much, I am in awe!
Alona loves making up her own songs. I am so happy that she has a teacher that helps her develop that. A teacher that makes up songs about Everything like she does.

I love being there as they develop, catch on to new concepts, physically intellectually and in other aspects. Alona learning to ride her bike was just like it clicked one day, most joyous thing!

I have been given a wonderful gift, being a Mother! Many people aren't given this gift, or the gift of bearing them naturally. I am so thankful for both gifts and experiences. I, for the most part love being pregnant. Of course as you have more it does become more difficult taking care of all of the children and feeling ill carrying the one that it is yet to come in to the world. But to carry the child inside of you, I love this, a son or daughter that is within you, I get to feel them be aware of the growth and getting to know them something that no one other person is able to do with your child. I love bearing children too, my last two were wonderful and wish all were that great! Feeling them kick for the first time, hearing them cry, seeing their countenance as they come in to the world.
I anticipate when I get to start feeling this child letting me know that he/or she is there. I joyously wait the day when Abbi catches on to the letters and their sounds. I will be so thrilled when Kacen starts talking to me in a full conversation. Alona demonstrates so many talents each day. I have learned so much from being their mother.


Paul said...

I love our children, they are so precious to me. I think it's great how they like to take part in things to help and "impress" us with what they can do. It lets me know they care what we think, and I just need to be more calm with them sometimes, I kow I don't do the best of jobs at that sometimes.

Mandy said...

You are such a good mommy! :) I really admire you and your positive outlook on life. :) I, too, love being pregnant and feeling them move and all of those neat things that happen during that time. :)

Anyway, you are amazing. :) I hope you know that. :)