22 July, 2006

Feather Salad

We all went grocery shopping today...when we got home it was six o'clock. Quite late for the girls to be eating dinner, so we fixed something that would not take much time that we had just bought, a frozen pizza. To go with it I pulled out a bag of dole salad, the greener selection kind. I poured it onto my plate and even started eating it then after a few bites I noticed that this dark green "leaf" was actually a feather. I was so grossed out, I had to get Paul and show him. I asked him if he thought I would get sick. I immediately used mouthwash, how gross a feather had touched all of the salad that was now in my stomache.


CrunchyChick said...

SO gross!

Kasynia said...

Is it green because they're trying to dye the lettuce to make it greener? Ick!!