17 July, 2006

Abbi Update

A few days ago Abbi learned to say please and I woke up this morning to two little girls at the foot of my bed, the smallest one saying "Please, please, please" she really wanted me to wake up. Then yesterday she learned to say, "Thank You". It was so cute. She also says Grandma, Grandpa, and loves to pull out all of the wipes from the bucket and walk around rubbing herself saying "wash, wash, wash." She also runs out of the bathroom with all of the wash rags.
I have tried to teach her songs, the only words that she seems to remember are "up above" so she goes around singing that. Twinkle, twinkle hasn't caught on yet. Other words in her vocabulary that I can think of are: off, up, shoes (she learned this one because her sandles keep coming off on purpose),nose, eyes, mouth, Alona, diaper, brush, banana, fruit, and feet. She tries to say Elmo and Amen after prayers but both words come out sounding like Mama. I am sure that there are many more words that she can say. She used to say buh-bye, but now when we ask her to say it she just blows kisses.
Here is the picture of Abbi blowing kisses. Not the greatest because it was taken by a cell phone. But my camera did not have batteries at the time.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Does she call you Mommy or MaMa? What about Paul? She's getting so big! I like knowing that she talks!