22 July, 2006

Birthday Ambitions

Alona went to our neighbor Ephanni's birthday today and had a great time. They had cake and ice cream. Abbi didn't eat much of any of it, wouldn't touch the ice cream. Alona commented on how colorful the ice cream was and ate all of her cake. It was rainbow sherbet and it must have been too colorful for her she didn't eat it.
There was a Dora Pinata that both Abbi and Alona got to hit. Abbi did a great job by herself. When Ephanni's dad broke it open Alona went right for it and knew just what to do she came out with more loot than I would have ever thought that I could give her credit for. She was real excited about the blues clues notebook and crayon that was in her goody bag. She helped write her name on the bag, when we got home later she came up with her little notebook and showed me, "Mom I made a hump". She has been trying to write her name and hasn't quite gotten the "n" yet. She knows that it has a line and a hump, and today she made one!
Then afterwards She says "I'm gonna have one of these at my birthday", referring to the Dora party blower. She says, "I want a pinata too with presents and balloons and hats at my birthday! And Mom where am I gonna have my birthday?"

P.S. scroll down...I wrote three other posts today, and added a picture to "Abbi Update"!

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Alona's looks so grown up!! She's growing up and I'm not there to see it! Ask her if she can take a few years off of growing. :)