17 September, 2006

Off Balance

Yesterday I was lucky. I really wanted to be able to visit my family(sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) after hearing that there would be a dinner last night with all of them there, but did not have the money to put gas in the 4-runner. My sister who told me about it said that she would be coming down to Salt Lake to pick up her car. She also said that she would drive me down there. Then I just had to find a ride home. My grandpa is hard to talk to at times and doesn't show a lot of emotion, but he really cares. He said that he could that when I asked for a ride after the dinner.

My sister came to pick me up and all went great for the first little while. They had drove down here in a van to have my brother-in-law (Kenny)drive his car back to Layton, it had a broken clutch. My brother-in-law kept getting over and driving in the pulout lane. It was driving my sister nuts, because it was so hard to get back over into traffic every time that he did this and half of the time her vehicle did not fit in the lane with his. Then he started to go real slow and the hood started smoking, not a good thing. So we made it from 6600 South in Salt Lake to 600 South and had to get off at the exit. After getting off of the exit he pulled to the side of the road. It wouldn't go anymore. So we went to Lowe's and got a tow strap and their van pulled the little nissan the rest of the way. Every time that Kenny would hit on the brakes with the Nissan it would make the van jerk and feel like the car actually hit that was scary the first time that happened. The Nissan had the power to make the van stop, my sister thought that they would need new brakes after doing that. My sister had different ways of coping with her children during the trip that I do not agree with and definetly would not do. I am glad that we each get to live with the decisions and their consequences but also feel bad that those of the parents are at times visited down onto the children.

That was definetly the longest that I have ever seen it take to get from Salt Lake to Layton, 3 and a 1/2 hours! Alona and Abbi really enjoyed playing at their house once we got there with four other little kids for them to play with it was great. Val and Ruth came a little after five and gave us a ride to my uncle's house, since only a third of us would fit in my sisters van. The girls played ball with their grandparents and Alona got two new books from the subscription that they have to a Dr. Suess book club. Val read Alona one book in the car and then couldn't anymore he can't read in cars without getting sick. A characteristic that Paul inherited.

And yipee, Abbi fell asleep in the car, she had refused to take a nap on the ride to Layton and with all the kids at her house. She stayed asleep for the first hour of being at my uncle's. Then once she woke up she was very clingy. If I attempted to put her down she would scream and cry and want "up". If anyone came near and tried to touch her or talk to her she would spaz out. I tried to sit down and hold her, she stood near me and whined. She wanted me to be standing while holding her. Alona enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and playing with the kids and wanted to be outside even though it was only fifty degrees.

Going out to my grandmother's van on the way home, I had put Abbi in her car seat and was getting up out of the car to fix the seat that I would be sitting in. My ankle twisted and I fell backwards bending my wrist back and landing on it. No one even noticed. In fact at the time my grandma was joking to Alona that they were going to leave mommy here. My grandma was telling my grandfather on the way home what had happened. I commented to him that I had gained more than thirty pounds on my front side, so I must be OFF BALANCE. It didn't hurt that bad afterwards, though I can definetly tell that something happened to it now.

He had a hard time finding the way to my house, but we made it. I was able to visit my family and they facilitated me being there and getting home. I am very grateful and love my family even if their looks aren't up to par, have bad habits, are irritating at times, or even when I say things about them that I shouldn't.

Today was stake conference, Paul was too tired to stay for the whole thing. We came home and picked up the house since today was the only day that we have Paul home all day. And I really needed the help, it is too hard for me to do much of anything even walk. I had to have his help last night taking my pant leg off my foot. Paul after helping me was able to lie on the floor and watch a movie, who knows if Alona was watching it but she was laying their with him.


CrunchyChick said...

Is everything okay? Falls are scary business for pregnant people!

I'm glad you got to see your family. I know you don't get to see them as much as you get to see Paul's (and mine).

Your belly still looks so cute!

Paul said...

The "reading while riding in a car" thing is actually called motion sickness, and everyone is suceptable to it as far as I know. I am sorry you fell down, and wish I could have been there. I am glad that I could help though :)

Love you