21 September, 2006

Ninety Minute Napping

Ever since Abbi was about nine months old she has taken a two hour nap. It was plenty of time for me to get what I needed to done and be able to relax a little. Today I layed Abbi down a little after two o'clock and was able to eat lunch, check the mail and get a few other things done. And then I was able to lay down a little after three. Alona watched the cat in the hat while I layed down. Alona comes in to my room, I was thinking that it was after four. It was about twenty minutes to four and she tells me that Abbi is awake to. And Abbi had obviously been awake for awhile, she was out of bed and happy. Which usually takes awhile for her to get to that point. So from now on I will need to get my stuff done before I lay Abbi down for her nap and do just my relaxing/napping stuff while she is sleeping. I will miss my two hours of freedom, and it will just keep getting shorter until she doesn't take naps anymore.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Working with the three year olds at school, we can usually get most of them to take two hour naps.

Maybe Abbi's short nap was a fluke and you'll get to keep your "nap time" a little while longer. Maybe.