22 September, 2006

Doctors Appointment

Today was yet another doctors appointment.
I was unaware when I arrived that I would be undressing during this appointment.
So I sat in the room for about thirty minutes half-way clothed. So weird.
He did the group B Strep Test, good thing it was done early. I remember with Alona
that it was done at my 36 week appointment and then she was born that day. So they put me on antibiotics because they didn't know if I had Strep or not. They wanted to be extra precautious.
And he checked to see if I was dialated yet, which I am not! I have a feeling that this little boy is going to be stubborn and come on his own time(probably late) I am thinking the fifth of November. But I could so be wrong.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

The 5th of November WOULD be convenient, no? :)