13 September, 2006

Job Switch

Paul started his new job on Monday. What a change, he now goes to school from 8 am until two and then works from 2:15 or so until about 11:30. Not much chatting online anymore and I am not able to call him at work whenever I please. I was asleep when he got home on Monday. This is so different. I was so used to having all day with the girls, putting them to bed and then having a little more than an hour until Paul got home. I looked forward to him coming home. Not anymore with him getting home past midnight, I don't see him, don't get to talk to him or even have the comfort of him just being there.

It was hard to get through Monday and Tuesday. Then he tells me his new schedule. Definetly unorthodoxed. He will have Wednesdays off from work so when school gets out at two he will come home. He has no school Friday, Saturday and Sunday so he will be home until about one. But he works Friday and Saturday nights and is home all day Sunday(off from work and school). So this will be a change, he won't get a normal weekend, but he will get to see us in the middle of the week which should be a good relief.

The insurance is not as great, thank goodness that we have medicaid for now. $2000 deductible per family, that sucks compared to the $500 that we had before. Paul seems to really love the job though, he gets up on time by himself and showers and wants to make a good impression and do good at his job and at school. Before he really didn't care what the people at his work thought. He says that there is a better atmosphere at his new job and there are some good co-workers (they are not profane like at his old job and are just better mannered all around)!

I have already started packing for the little bit that I am able to do it will take me that long. About 3-4 weeks. Paul was talking to a guy at his new job, and apparently he rents out places. He said that he had a place in Bluffdale that he would rent out for $500 a month. It has three bedrooms and is 1300 Square feet. Now just to find out how much the deposit is, where the place is located and in what kind of neighborhood and if it has washer and dryer hookups. That would be awesome though, a three bedroom for that little.


CrunchyChick said...

It sounds like things are already working themselves out. Just think, it can only get better! All these new changes are heading toward what you want in the end.

Anonymous said...

THe hats are form Gymboree, thanks. My dad bought them off a clearance sale.