05 September, 2006


I am getting ready at the fastest speed that I am able to for this baby. Last night we briefly looked at baby things at wal-mart. Paul choose a new bouncer, ours is slowly collapsing. We saw a ottoman/glider set for $89, just the same amount as it would be to buy an ottoman for my chair, so sad. We picked up a few outfits and noticed that they didn't have any receiving blankets. Aside from trying to prepare physically I have also been praying that he will come late so that I can take the girls trick-or-treating. And praying that breastfeeding will work for the both of us. With Alona it went just fine for me, but she wouldn't have anything to do with it. And Abbi, well she ate a little too well and my body hurt a little too much for me to keep going after six weeks. So I really hope and pray that it works out this time. I have gained confidence in doing it from my two failed attempts. With Alona the first couple of days I would hide in my room if any one was there when I needed to try and feed her. With Abbi if there were one or two people in the room I was ok. Especially if they were female. I keep getting better.

This morning, the girls helped me to clean out the 4-runner. Abbi was a little too content, she climbed in and didn't want to move to let me vacuum or put the car seats in. Then we vacuumed it out and installed the car seats. Last night Paul had put it together for me. It looks crowded in the back seat, but they all fit! I know that Abbi is just going to go crazy sitting next to her little brother. She loves babies, but really does not like the crying part that babies do.
Then our packages arrived from aunt Laura. Alona with her million questions...why did the mail man bring this to us, why are we opening it, whats in it? Then just a minute after opening the box the ups man showed up with two more boxes. And then follows, Why did he bring us more boxes? Paul, Alona and Kacen's birthday presents from aunt Laura had arrived to! Alona was really quite good with not knowing what was for her, if it were me I might be a snoop if the box wasn't put out of my sight but she was real good. She thought that Kacen's gift looked fun and of course dad's present didn't even get a second glance. It is the final fantasy advent children movie, he loves final fantasy.

Alona helped me take out the clothes from the box. Her comments are humorous and fun to listen to. "This looks like pajamas. Bibs, eww look two more bibs. Why does he have Winnie the Pooh? Is he gonna wear all these clothes?" Of course I informed her that he would not be wearing them all at once. I still think that she has trouble catching the concept that he doesn't need to wear clothes while inside my tummy. And then, "Are all of these going to fit in his drawers?"
There were a pair of shoes in the box, aren't they cute. And then this onesie for some reason is my favorite out of the whole bunch, I liked the stripes and the tan color. I liked some of the sweaters in there and overall they are all a bunch of cute clothes!!Yeah for Laura and shopping at yard sales. Thanks. Hopefully I can be of atleast a little help to her.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

That was my favorite onesie too!! I like that we have similar tastes. Sorry if the stuff smells weird. I recommend washing it before wear only because I never washed it and all the ladies I bought from said it'd been sitting in their basements for a while.

I forgot to tell you, I only sent the 0-6 months. I still have a whole bag FULL of clothes for 6+ months. I'm going to send them home with my mom when she's up here. It's about the same amount of clothes, but just for 6 months up to about 2 years... I think. Maybe the biggest ones are size 24 months. I can't recall.

I figured I'd save on shipping and just send them home later since Kacen won't be needing them right away.

I'm glad you guys had fun opening boxes. I love when stuff comes in the mail, don't you? :)