27 September, 2006

Set in Stone

So we picked a new place and signed the lease today, there is no going back. We paid the money for the first months rent and deposit. We could move in as early as the seventh. It seemed that this place was meant for us. It was the only listing that was in the paper on a Wednesday. Paul is/was only able to go and look with me at places on Wednesday. This place has three bedrooms, a place to fit our kitchen table, a big backyard (it fits our swingset) and has extra storage space in the back to make up for lack of closets in the home. Though it is on a slightly busy street and we would have to mow the back lawn when the time came. The lease has much more happy thoughts to it. We would not have to pay a $950 breakage of contract fee to move out of here, it is a month to month lease. It is the basement of a duplex and has a patio in the back and also has entrances in the back and front of the home. By the way it is in Provo on 900 East. I am told that is the same street that the temple is on. I will post pictures later!

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Can't wait for pictures!