21 September, 2006

Open House

The ward that I live in, well actually my visiting teachers are throwing me a baby shower, they call it an open house. So for an hour and a half anyone in our ward can come, bring a present or not and hang out. They also sent out invitations to Paul's mothers. Its not my first, but it is my first boy. Quite a few things that I am missing. I didn't have my expectations very high with thinking that they would throw me a shower. They said that they were going to, then today I got this cute little baseball mit delivered by one of their daughters. When I lived in Murray while pregnant with Abbi my visiting teachers said that they were going to throw me a shower, that didn't happen. No big deal or anything I just was disappointed and it added another reason to not expect much from people. Not expect them to live up to their word. Isn't it so cute, I have butterflies. Though I don't quite know what to do about getting the girls ready and putting them to bed.


CrunchyChick said...

I'm excited for you and Kacen! So excited! Make sure to take lots of pictures so I can pretend I was there. Pretty please?

Anonymous said...

I love the invitation it's absolutely adorable! I think it's a great idea to have an open house, less pressure to play games and such!

MartaMolly said...

I am glad you posted this I haven't received an invite yet. I plan on attending, maybe I can come over earlier and follow you to the open house. I am so happy that these ladies didn't let you down. Keep smiling!