08 September, 2006

Life Altering

So I went to the doctor today, he had told me two weeks ago that he was going to check me today. That didn't happen, I guess I am not far enough along for that. Thats okay, there was something that had changed, and that was enough to calm me about going too early. Last appointment Kacen was dropped, he was head down in position. Today he was not, he had wiggled his way out of my bony pelvis somehow. The doctor even asked me where his feet were located because the doctor didn't know where his head was. I have been praying that Kacen would be late, so my prayers must be working. It is a little strange though, I still am having horrible back and pelvic pain. It is the worst when picking up Abbi and not so fun when standing up. But Kacen is not on my pelvic bones any longer so where the pains are coming from I do not know, but it should make it so that labor pains aren't so terrible to deal with. The doctor, oh is he funny. I told him about the pains and he says Just don't get up or lift anything. Ha ha, don't get up or lift anything. I have a little Abbi that stands at my feet saying "up, up, up". And when I don't lift her she collapses on the floor and makes noises at me the ones that she makes when she doesn't want to do something. And then she runs from me, today Alona and Abbi were outside and Abbi just starts running and not only do I have to lift her and pick her up I have to run after her and catch her before doing so. Me run, I really didn't think that I would catch Abbi.

Then yesterday Paul finds out that he got this new job. Working on computers at bluehost. It is something that he will so enjoy. But guess what, we have to move the job is in Orem. Paul will have to switch school locations to the one down in Orem. And he can only do this when classes end again which is on the 26th of October. 3 days before my due date, so I told Paul if we are moving we had better move sooner than that. It makes me sad, all the work that I have done to prepare our home for this little baby has been in vain. So now I get to worry about finding a new place, packing and moving while nine months pregnant. Talk about stress! And we will have to pay$950 from "breakage of contract" to our lanlord for moving out before our lease is up. And then there is moving fees, carpet cleaning, truck rental and first months rent and deposit for a place that we haven't even found yet. We have $920 in the bank saved, that will cover most of the breakage of contract fee and then we will have to somehow figure out the rest. And then in our lease it says that we have to pay for any additional months where this apartment stays vacant, so we have to pay them monthly if they cannot find someone to live here. I don't like that part, the nine fifty should cover that. So our savings is gone and the baby stuff that I had hoped to buy myself with the money that we had saved is depleted. I will just have to deal.


Paul said...

it really sucks in a way, as you just put it. There are a few good points about the job and there are a very large quantity of bad things to go with it too. I guess the increase in income and the health of your husband are worth the stress though?

CrunchyChick said...

Yikes! That sounds like a bucket-load of stress. But you guys always seem to work it out. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you have to move in close proximity to the baby coming. Congrats on the job, but boo for the timing.

MartaMolly said...

Be careful what you pray for. It sounds as if Kacen has turned face up which not a diserable position for delivery. This causes severe back pain because the back of his head is now pushing on your tailbone, maybe pray for him to turn over? Babies are built to be birthed face down towards the floor. We are excited for Paul's new job this will benefit him greatly in future job placement after schooling.
We will miss having you over on Sundays when you move. But we are still ecited for your family! Luvya!