17 August, 2006

Cut Down to Size

Alona for the past two days has said that she wanted her hair cut. With her saying that "it hurt, it hurt" before the brush even touched her head and Abbi pulling her hair all of the time. She said that she wanted it short. Even though moments after cutting it, she says "Mom, it still blows in my face." Who knows if she was completly satisfied. But she went and looked in the mirror, and didn't want to come out of the bathroom.
I took her yesterday to Fantastic Sams, which is a sponsor of locks of love and they charged regular price to cut and take Alona's hair. So sorry to say we couldn't do that couldn't afford it. So I came home and looked up their website and it said that anyone could cut the hair and send it in but it had to be a minimum of 11 inches. I got a measuring tape and measured how much hair that she had if put into a pony tail, it measured 10 inches, not enough to donate.
So this morning, after cleaning up and getting ready for the day we cut it. I am not the most talented hair stylist , but I think that it turned out okay even though it is uneven in spots. Atleast Alona was able to voice that she liked it!


Bagley Briefs said...

Wow! She looks as adorable as ever! You are a brave Mom and it paid off. Good job!

Thanks for always sharing your days with us. I love it! Reading your blogs helps refill my cup.

Love you.

CrunchyChick said...

She looks so grown-up! And sophisticated! Good job Mom!