09 August, 2006

Night Out Against Crime

This is Magna's night for fun during the summer. They have different booths and activities to teach the community about safety. One of the booths had child identification kits, they also had fire safety information. They have the k-9's there doing demonstrations on dummies and a helicopter that was actually deployed in Iraq was there with the pilot and he let by-standards come and take a peek around and on the inside of the aircraft. Abbi was too little for that one, but Alona got to see. There were booths from companies that were just trying to get business as well, like this new dance place opening up I think that would be a great thing to put Alona into. Now to stretch our budget. The girls got their faces painted and had free cake. There was a drawing and all of our names got called. Alona got that frisbee that she had been wanting which had a free mcdonalds combo meal attached and also some animal crackers. Two days later me and the girls went to mcdonalds and we were able to all be fed off of one combo meal! Abbi got a licorice rope, great gift for her. She loved it and Alona wouldn't touch it. I got a gift certificate and a big cow shirt.

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