14 August, 2006


Tonight Abbi was telling Alona goodnight, and she said.."Sweet Dreams, Luv You." That was so cute and the sweetest thing. And for her thats big, its like an entire sentence never been done before. I am pobably one of the only people that would have been able to understand what she said, but hey she said it. It seems like mothers are the only ones who understand their children, which is good, atleast someone does and a good thing it is the mother.
Also Yesterday was the first time that she said her own name, YAY! She used to say Alona's name when asked to say Abbi. She ate her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich today! I wasn't able to take a digital photo, the camera is in the car that Paul takes. But I got it on a disposable camera. I remember that with Alona the first time that she ate a PB&J the bread got stuck to the roof of her mouth, and I had to stick my finger in her mouth and dislodge it. Abbi ate the entire section, none of it ended up on the floor which is where the majority of her food has ended up lately. And she even tried it, she has been so weary about bread, hasn't wanted to touch the stuff.

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