09 August, 2006

Grandma's Party

Sunday we went over and celebrated Marta's birthday with her. She cooked a nice meal. I really liked the potatoes, the toast was good too. Who knew something pre-packaged would be so good. Natalie, Andy's girl-friend came over as well. She is real nice and friendly. She brought a great treat, cheese cake. Now I am not one that has a thing for cheese cake in fact it usually leaves a not so welcome taste in my mouth...but this cheesecake mmm it was goood.
Alona drank her orange soda and ate about two bites from her toast, but she is still not a potato girl and for some reason didn't want her chicken. Abbi didn't want any of it, both girls ended up migrating down to grandma. Abbi has a very short attention span while I was eating she also managed to play with the dog food and water, and also spill a good puddle on the floor from the five gallon jug and when I would not let her use a glass to play with the water she decided to throw it on the floor and break it into many pieces.
So Marta had three cakes, the cheesecake, a cake with lots of icing and her own special piece smothered with a glaze and a strawberry. And she shared all of it. She blew out her candles in one breath, she says its cause she's a singer.
The girls really enjoyed going outside. Abbi knows how to say turkey now and was calling the turkeys and the chickens by that name. One of the turkeys kept going for the shiny loops on her belt, it startled her when it actually got ahold for a moment. Aunt Tami fended them off with her shiny ring.


CrunchyChick said...

What fun! I really enjoy that you post pictures of the events I am missing! It helps me feel like I get to peek into a window to see "back home" for just a little bit. Post as many pictures as you'd like! I'll appreciate them for sure.

Poor Abbi being attacked by a turkey! How scary!

Paul said...

the turkeys are fun though ;)

I got to hold 2 of them, they weigh about 40 - 50 Lbs.

Anonymous said...

Turkey! That's a pretty special word!