05 August, 2006


Detachment really does not sound like a great word. In some ways it is relieving, this past Sunday I left Abbi in nursery as I have done many times before. But usually, oh five minutes or so after leaving her I hear screaming from the hall and it preceeds to get closer and closer and I know that it is her. This Sunday, I kept waiting and waiting for her screaming to permeate the hallways and it did not happen. It was a little nice to actually enjoy the lessons that were there though it was a little different. I had gotten so used to nursery and staying in there with her I had been quite accustomed to it. Even though while in nursery I wanted to be in my regular class, now that she had let me go I wanted to be with her isn't life funny. It made me a little sad, my baby is growing up.
She also for the past two nights has fallen asleep by herself. Well I have been with her for a minute and then I leave the room she quiets down for the most part and then I am able to pick her up and take her to her bed. She did require rocking to sleep every night while whining and wiggling and sometimes being mean, I wanted her to be able to not need to be rocked to sleep every night by the time that the new baby came. It looks like I just might get what I asked for. It is nice, but sad.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Oh, that does sound sad! And happy at the same time. What contradiction! I'm happy that Abbi is ready to grow up. Don't worry, she still needs you!