31 May, 2006

Feeling special

So I was really weird. After seeing Laura's post and seeing her cute crib, I decided that would be the one new thing for this baby. For Alona of course everything was new she was our first. With Abbi we went out and got a new diaper bag, and many new different things that we hadn't had before. I wanted the second pregnancy & baby to feel special too just like I do with the third. So we really don't "need" a new crib. I even tell Paul this, he told me it would look nice. We browsed the online store at rc willey since we would be able to make payments and not have something to pay right up front, and this is the one we both agree on! It will go right along with the color of our other furniture in our room. :)By the way our ultrasound is a week from Friday, Paul says that he wants to find out, I am still indecisive. He really wants it to be a boy! ANd Alona is convinced that she is having a baby brother.


CrunchyChick said...

LOVE the crib! Is it one of the convertible ones? If you don't find out your baby's gender, can Paul tell me?? :)

Heather said...

yep its one of the 3-in-1 convertible ones. It says does not come with conversion rails, I guess I will see what that means. Sure if I don't find out Paul can tell you, pretty sure you won't give it away to me or anyone else.

CrunchyChick said...

Conversion rails for making it a full-size bed frame. That's what Brian said, anyway.

Paul said...

We don't need that crib just like I didn't need my laptop... if you get what I'm sayin (if not I am saying, were getting it!)

I am glad you choose one you like :)