13 May, 2006

little feats

Abbi is learning to feed herself! She helped me to wake up before seven a.m. this morning and I put her in Alona's booster seat. She usually spills half of the milk off her spoon and down her clothes. But this is definetly an amzing thing, silverware at fifteen mos.

And Alona is a really big helper, she helps out a lot with Abbi, she keeps her entertained or gets things that she needs . She is usually really good at doing her chores and helping with dinner too. In this picture Alona was out on the lawn chair and Abbi really wanted to be up there with her big sister. Alona let her and actually put her arms around her and tried to get Abbi to look at the camera, by calling her name "Abbi look" and gently trying to turn her body.


CrunchyChick said...

Abbi is getting so big! Your girls look so different from each other! It's just amazing! Happy Mother's Day!

Paul said...

Abbi is accelerating at a high level and she is learning very quickly, and Alona is constanly getting better with being a big sister. They are the smartest little girls I know ;) I wish I could be a bigger part of their lives. I am so glad we have our little family together.

CrunchyChick said...

You should blog this weekend!