13 May, 2006


Yay! my birthday is here, well sort of its in the morning. But we celebrated it today, going out and doing stuff part of it. It was great. Paul's mom Marta came to watch the girls. I definetly think too much, I was stressing about leaving the girls for that long. I kept asking Paul, do you think that it is too long for us to leave them, do you think that your mother minds watching them for that long? But anyways she showed up a little after eleven and me and Paul were off. We went to Delton lanes to go bowling. It was so much fun. Neither of us were any good at it, of course Paul was better than me. But he would come off getting a strike on one turn and then on the next turn only hit one pin or may even not any and I would cheer him on no matter how many pins were left standing. I tried to happy about how good I was, after finishing, I turned around,Yay I got one pin!! with a sly look on my face. Twice I actually got nine pins, that was pretty cool. We would definetly like to go back next time and play more than one game, maybe even take the girls.
Then we went and saw Mission Impossible three. Within the first ten minutes I thought that they had shown the ending of the movie. After that I said to Paul, what point is there of watching to the end when we already know that she is going to die. But of course that wasn't really the ending. And unlike other movies that we have watched lately I did not comment on how stupid the ending was. The ending actually turned out to be pretty good.

We went to dinner then at four o'clock to the olive garden. It had been so long since I had been there. I really love that restaurant , their salads are great, but not the kind of thing that you should take home in a box. Their pasta I really enjoy. I got the fettucine alfredo,mmm. Paul got the sausage and peppers it looked pretty good all except the sausage to me, but that was what Paul picked out and ate from his dish all of the sausage was devoured. I kept bugging him to ask the waiter if they gave out free cake if it happened to be your birthday, but he never did. I guess if I want a cake on my birthday, I will have to make it myself. But some of their cakes really did look good. They had a lasagna cake with different layers of numminess and a chocolate mousse cake with other chocolates and chocolate chips on top.
The drive from the theater to the restaurant wasn't that great though. I was quite nautious and the car ride was adding to it. The popcorn really wanted to come up. I was thinking about just driving home and skipping going out for dinner. I didn't know if I would be able to keep food down.
I was so glad to come home and see that the girls had a great time with their grandma. Marta had taken them to the dollar store and Abbi was able to get a ball and Alona got a clifford puzzle. Which they both love the two things that they were able to get. They both played with them when we got home. Abbi says a ball and then tries to throw it, the ball ends up being about a foot in fromt of her. It is a cute elmo beach ball. Alona tries her darndest to put puzzles together, occasionally she needs a few hints though as to where they might match. They also picked flowers from the yard and got happy meals from carls jr. I asked Alona what they did and she says we read and I watched the Heffalump movie with Grandma. Did you watch the movie while sister was sleeping? I asked, "NO!" she said sternly, Abbi was awake!
We enjoyed our day and our night of coming home to our girls. Even though it is difficult when just have a little bit of time with them at night. Alona whined to read scriptures even though it was eight thirty at night when we got home from getting milk. And so I read scriptures to her while they got their pajamas on, with Alona screaming and Abbi climbing all over me. And when that was over, Alona says mom read scriptures I tell her that I did but she was screaming so loud that she could not hear.

Here are pictures of the girls after we got home, they really did not want to come inside if it were up to them they would stay out all night and play outside.


CrunchyChick said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had fun!

Paul said...

There wasn't a minute I didn't enjoy our time together, I am sorry that you were getting sick though. I think the next celebration together we should go bowling again and play maybe 2 or 3 games. I thought the movie was great, I wish I wouldn't have stepped out to use the bathroom in the middle of it though :(