watch out! -The neighbors dad said this to his little boy while riding his bike around Kacen. Kacen picked it up and kept telling him to watch out.
today's word:
Church-I was telling him how we had church tomorrow.
I actually know what time Kacen wakes up now! boy was I surprised, we changed his bed from the crib in to the toddler bed and for two nights he screamed hysterically and came to bed with mom at three in the morning. Last night I put him in his bed, I tried laying with him but his fit was too horrendous so I lay on the floor next to his bed. He still screamed but he calmed down,
Here is a picture of him playing happily in his bed on Thursday morning. He was taking his own time to get used to his bed. It was much less terrifying in the day than at night when he is being forced to sleep in it.
We were walking around the block, the girls were hoping to find friends to play with. We saw Jaimie and his parents across the street having a yard sale, practically selling their stuff dirt cheap to move cross country in their car. We stopped and played with them for a good while. Abbi had fun following Jaimie around on tricycles and playing bumper wagons. She is my visiting teacher and Jaimie is one of very few children Abbi's age around here and they are moving. My other visiting teacher moved three weeks ago. It makes us all so sad seeing them all go. Another family with four children in our ward is leaving and one other family(our relief society president and Sunday school teacher) are moving out within the week.
Tonight after dinner I took the children to see their dad. They don't get to see him much. You would have to know us real well to know why. But they needed to see him, they helped to bring him dinner. Abbi brought the fork and Alona brought the catsup and the ball to play ball with her dad. They were real patient waiting outside for him, ran back and forth between the two different doors that were there wanting to go in and get him. It is the type of door that you need a special magnet card to activate the door and open it. Paul ate and they all played ball, it was so calming to have him around. Abbi and Kacen were so happy and giggly, Alona's request was fulfilled to the best of our abilities, she wants a daddy that is at home, that she can spend time with, she wants her dad to be done with school too. So she was able to spend time with him at night tonight even though he wasn't home, and of course we are still working on the rest of it. This is an activity that I think we should try to continue. After Paul had shut the door to go back up to work, Abbi was the saddest little girl. She wouldn't stop crying for daddy, the whole time home too and even when we got home she had stopped whining but was still so sad. It was nice to see that it was more tragic leaving her daddy than it was leaving grandparents.
Family... it's about time!
So glad you all were able to spend time with Paul. It sounds like regular dinners with Daddy while the weather is nice will be a win, win situation.
I sorta wish I could slow down the aging process for those sweet grand-children. They are so sweet and adorable right now!
Thanks for sharing! Love you all. XOXOXOXO
it was definitely fun, and soo much better than doing homework while having other employees come to my desk only to have me tell them to go away cause it's my lunch break! I'm not so sure about the toddler bed conversion, it seems it caused more problem than it did good...
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