30 October, 2006

Family outings

The Wednesday before Kacen was born we went bowling at Fat Cats in Provo with Alona's gift certificate that she got from her grandma. It had been a long day! waiting for comcast, getting paul's new pants going to Arby's for dinner, getting our haircut and then going bowling at 8:30 at night.
Alona wanted to bowl at both her and Abbi's turns. One of the turns she rolled her ball down and hit the rail that was in the middle of picking up pins because she was so eager. They had automatic bumpers, thank goodness! And cute, cute little bowling shoes! Abbi had fun she enjoyed getting the ball from the hole than rolling it, I think. There was a sort of bowling "helper" for children, all they had to do was put the ball up on the metal holder and push and it would hit the pins almost every time. Made them feel good! Abbi actually got a higher score than Alona, but that didn't matter they had so much fun.

A week ago Saturday while at Val and Ruth's before we went to Wal-Mart the girls got to color a pumpkin with marker. The girls had a lot of fun. Alona put eyes on her pumpkin and glasses and very long teeth. Grandpa also pushed them around in the wheel barrow, they liked that.

Andf then last night agter Paul working really hard..he mowed the lawn, changed the oil and did the dishes after we put stickers on the girls' pumpkins. He carved then them. They turned out great. He is an awesome pumpkin carver. Alona didn't want to touch the gooeys in the pumpkin but wanted to just take out the seeds and count them. So before tomorrow night we get to gut the pumpkins.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Cool stickers for the pumpkins! I've never seen those before. Paul looks like he has such a fun time being a Daddy.