10 October, 2006

Little helpers

So this worked for awhile, I gave them each a marker to color on the boxes while I was packing it. I did this during our last move when it was just Alona and she did great. But Abbi, she is a fruit..she opened up the box and started coloring on the items on the inside. Her Elmo toothbrush is decorative.

Alona wanted to help clean. She got tired of cleaning the cupboards and didn't want to clean the outside of the stove like we had asked her to. So she went right ahead and started to clean the inside, and then of course Abbi wanted to get in it. Sure it looks cute and is definitely amusing...but not a good idea.
I am glad that we should have help tomorrow. I attempted to pack more today, every time that I would put something into the box Abbi would take it out just as fast. They both did not want to sleep tonight, after giving Alona many chances to get her pajamas on and her refusing, I put her to bed. She sat in her room crying, I asked her if she needed to go to the bathroom. No, she replied, "I want my pajamas!"


Kasynia said...

Aww.. I am so wanting to have cute little kids like you! I totally want to come help out with the moving, but I don't have my own transportation and its pretty far. BUMMER! But hey, I got you something a little before the wedding.. would you like me to try sending it or see if I can get Mike to take a trip with me to come see you (and maybe help out, on a weekend day)? :) Let me know!

CrunchyChick said...

Alona and her logic. It reminds of how serious she can be. "I'm not Nunna, I'm Alona!" :) She can't go to sleep without pajamas! It doesn't work that way!

Abbi in the oven is too cute! I agree with your mommy-opinion. Not such a good idea. But still cute!