26 June, 2006

What fun to be a child!!!

jumping on packing bubbles!! Great gift from the delivery man. Alona had much success! They of course took no consideration to what else was in the box.

Sprinklers!!! Who knew that it was also a great water fountain??!!

After my post about searching for sprinklers, grandma and grandpa gave us one with a hose attached!

It turned out to be a fun day. Even though when waking I wonder how I am suppose to get through today? With absolutely nothing to do and no gas in the car. Of course Alona was distraught that lunch at the park was not an option but I was awestruck to see how well Abbi sat to listen to books being read. We actually got all the way through the first one without her trying to get down today! Then when checking the mail, Abbi starts wandering down the sidewalk, we just follow her. She ends up climbing the stairs to the neighbors door and knocking. I am so glad to have such wonderful neighbors. They of course said come right in!! And played with me and my children for almost two hours. Alona dictated coloring to the mother of the house that we were at and used her imagination with what color a tree should be. They also played with the bead blocks and made crowns and necklaces. Abbi had fun dancing to country music and playing with their hymn book. Abbi started to be hysterical and cry when their dog was growling while playing tug-a-war with Alona. She is such an empathetic child.


Paul said...

Yay for good & happy children! I respect the fact that you have the ability to care for them as you do. And to clean up after all of us :)

I love you!

CrunchyChick said...

Cute pictures! I love your girls!

Side note: I do a load of laundry everyday. And you saw how full our baskets were. I can't keep up. Brian wears uniforms during the day and comfy clothes at night. I wear work clothes (Grungy stuff I don't care much about) during the day and comfy stuff at night.

And then you throw in the loads of laundry that camping produces... It really is neverending.