14 June, 2006

Extra Extra, read all about it.

Today Abbi reluctantly got her first haircut. Only about a half of an inch off of the hair right by her eyes, so now she has bangs! She wanted to hit whatever I was holding with her arms which proved to be difficult and scary when holding scissors.

Then Alona when I went to give them a bath at 7:oo, She is sitting undressed in the tub playing with her hair when she looks down and says..."When I grow up I'll have boobs!" Where did that come from? She understands more than I give her credit for. The other day she asked about it, and I told her that she did not need them now she would get them when she was older that she would go through puberty. Of course that is to big of a word for a three year old to understand but she got the rest of the conversation, obviously.


CrunchyChick said...

Alona CRACKS ME UP! She's so smart! Sweet little Abbi's face! I love her new bangs! That IS scary, holding scissors while a wee one tries to knock them out of your hand. Yikes! Her hair is getting so long! Both girls' hair is longer than I would have thought possible for their ages! Lucky kids, probably got your hair genes!

Kasynia said...

That is absolutely hilarious! I had to share it with Mike. I love that you do their haircuts yourself - fabulous darling, fabulous!

Paul said...

my little girls are like hyper accelerating to grow up! You know, girls are silly,they like all that stuff to make them pretty like make-up even before they know what it means, and all though it doesn't make them any more pretty they way it was intended to, it does make them more cute.

CrunchyChick said...

Heather Marie! The lady I bought the shoes from has a two and half year old boy. First grandbaby. Lots and LOTS of clothes and blankets that are gently (if at all) used.

She's selling blankets for about a buck a piece, outfits for two bucks or less and shoes for a buck a pair (Her husband LOVED buying shoes for his little boy. The ones I bought from them still had stuffing in them and they were still connected with plastic!).

Anyway, it's basically a treasure trove for a little boy. Would you be terribly offended if I bought Baby Boy Bagley gifts from a yardsale??

They're just such awesome deals! And we know you're having a boy! So I can go crazy and not have to wonder "What if it's a girl?"

Let me know! Because I sure would love to buy that stuff for someone!