22 May, 2009

three energetic children, anyone?

I am soo tired I can barely keep my eyes open. After four days of nesting I am drained and am not functioning, my feet also make it hard to stand and move around with how swollen they are. It even hurts to try and wiggle my toes now. There are dishes waiting, chores to be done and children going crazy. Anyone want three kids to entertain them for a little while?


crystal said...

I know what you mean for sure! It will get better as they get older. I promise

Paul said...

I help as much as possible :) but I don't think you like my dish-washing very much...

Mandy said...

Send them my way, they can play with my kids. Sorry I didn't see this til a few days after it was posted, but you / they are welcome any time! :)