20 January, 2009

I am

i am: not wearing any makeup
i think: I should get ready to get Alona from school.
i know: That I am worth something. I know that I can be a better mother, a better parent than mine were to me. I know that I can be a important part of my family. I know that I can set aside my selfish desires for my children. I know that I am a child of God and so are my children and every one else. I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet that the Book of Mormon is true and the holy ghost can be a daily inspiring part of our lives and is absolutely wonderful when we listen to it. I know that I can over come temptation and that I have the will power to do things. I know that I have wonderful children. I know that we do not take our ailments that are here with our bodies on Earth with us when we go to heaven and that is the greatest thing besides being with my family that I am looking forward to, to know that my husband will be whole.
i want: to teach my children at home
i dislike: gaining to much weight at once.
i miss: family that do not return calls or make an effort to keep in contact. I miss knowing how people are doing and being a part of their lives.
i fear: /am afraid, I see that other mothers and women know and do things better and I am not up to par. I understand that we are different. I just wish that I could do more and that I didn't feel so out of place next to them.
i feel: good with what I taught Abbi today and what she taught me.
i hear: my two younger children talking about how barbie is sleeping and needing to be quiet.
i smell: nothing
i crave: home cooked wonderful meals
i cry: over the slightest things in books and movies that I watch with my children.
i usually: am on the computer way too much
i search: for teaching materials, I search myself for the right things to do and include those in my day, reading scriptures, praying, teaching my children and being with them.
i wonder: what Jesse will look like, what his personality will be like
i regret: ever reacting in anger toward my children
i love: the end of the day, once the children are all in bed
i care: about all people that I have had a connection with
i always: clean before people come over
i worry: about the small things
i am not: perfect
i remember: almost all the birthdays of the people that I know and people's faces
i believe: that our parents dont have to set us up for failure, we can chose to move out of their shadow
i dance: on occasion with my sweet children
i sing: nursery rhymes and to the radio
i don’t always: want to cook dinner
i argue: with my daughters about the silliest things. Especially Abbi she is convinced the baby is a girl and will not be convinced other wise.
i write: A lot. I write on my blog, in my journal and on forums with other pregnant ladies
i win: not very often
i lose: at chess
i wish: that money didn't influence how many children you could have
i listen: to my children
i don’t understand: how people can assume things. There are things that they have not been through things that they can not possibly comprehend but yet they think/ assume what others are thinking, feeling and think they know what a person should be doing. I don't understand. I sure know that there are some things that I don't understand that people are going through and I plainly don't know what to say to them and leave my mouth closed
i can usually be found: with my children or asleep
i am afraid: of not knowing where we will be when we are finished with Paul's school
i need: something to do each day so that I am not a bump on a log.
i forget: to floss some times
i am happy: when I get a little time to myself


Mandy said...

What a great blog! :) I liked it so much that I may have to steal the idea! :)

jayne wells said...

Inspiring as usual Heather. You're a fantastic mother and person.