24 August, 2007

I can only do so much

The title of this post I was thinking this in my head while Abbi was hurting Alona in the tub and throwing buckets of water onto the floor, Kacen was in his high chair hungry and screaming, the children had thrown their food by the garbage can and by the sink and the dishes were piled up and this is just what I could see and hear and I was the only non-child home and there was only one me!

This past week me and all three kids made zucchini bread and Kacen wanted to help with the flour while it was on the floor. Alona was measuring flour into the measuring cup. Abbi got to stir and put it into the bread pan. And then while it was cooking the girls made fish pizza. Abbi got a hold of red finger paint and put the gold fish on the pizza pan with it.

Abbi's new favorite phrase: "Aunt Nad-a-lee!"

Andy and Natalie are married! Charmalee watched the kids for an hour while we were in the temple. So awesome, I am so happy for them, it was so great to be around them. They just had that new couple fire to them! It reminded me of how it used to be before kids and before life happened. Alona was asked how she knew it was the temple and she said because Moroni's on top.

Our Activity for the day: making folder games. We started making our first folder game which will be matching upper and lower case letters. We glued a tree that we made onto the inside of each side of the folder and made apples with upper case letters that we glued to the tree. I also made the lower case letters, I just need to make them into apples. And the last things, laminating and attaching the velcro. More folder games to come.

Accomplishments for the week: we me and the kids all got hair cuts! And I did all four of them. Well Alona got a hold of the scissors and so I had to make her hair all the same length. Abbi's hair in the back was all curly and none was the same length, so now it is straight and she is missing her curls. Kacen had his hair shortened and his head is trying to readjust from the lack of curls as well. And well my hair doesn't look as gross, no more split ends and well it just looks better!

We have a door on our bathroom! Given now I do believe that any one who has a bigger butt than me will not be able to sit on our toilet. Paul moved the washer right up next to the toilet seat and squished the dryer right up next to it and put the door on wallah! I was / am distraught that we are stuck here for who knows how long and having a hard time with this place and so Paul tried to make it a little better.
The cutest comment, I was talking to Alona about being able to have a house/ a place where we could hang up pictures, have a bathroom door and many other things and she says "Mom when we get to Heaven, we'll have a house!"That is definetly the sweetest thing and it lifted my spirit.

Kacen got in his eighth tooth. He stood up without holding onto anything and today he even stood up without having help by pulling himself up to anything, he just did it from being on his knees! He took three steps on Wednesday! He can wave! He can quack like a duck and tried to say baa like the sheep that we saw on Wednesday!

Sicknesses for the week: Mastitis, ouch! And now Kacen likes to use his teeth while nursing, geeze. Paul has a ganglion cyst on his wrist that he has an appointment for.


CrunchyChick said...

What's fish pizza?

Thanks for sharing wedding photos!

I love folder games!

Yay for a bathroom door!

I want to see your haircuts! You've always been very good at them.

Eight teeth??? WHOA! And walking? He's growing up SO fast!

Mastitis is the pits. :( I feel for you.

Emily Kate said...

Yay for Andy's wedding! Thanks for posting the pic! Your kiddos are getting so big! :)

Paul said...

I hate my cyst, it hurts even to type this message here.
We have a new sister! man, I have 6 sisters now! I like sisters. So the tally is 6 sisters and 8 brothers, and I love every last one of 'em (cute little buggers, aren't they?).
I think we make super parents when we are together, I am sorry you are alone while I work.
I really like the way you cut their hair, it looks really good :)