06 August, 2007

Good Day

We went and got Kacen's pictures taken, he is so photogenic! Big huge smiles in every photo. We went and looked in build-a-bear workshop while our pictures were being printed. They really enjoyed looking and playing in there. Then we took a detour to the bathroom and on the way out, we stopped to play, In the middle of the mall there is a big tree that you can climb up and then slided own the slide that is attached to it. We stopped at the post office on the way home, and each of the girls got to put an envelope into the slot, I pulled it down, they put their envelopes in I then opened it again and showed them that it was empty. Alona had no questions, she already knew what was going on. Abbi's priceless expression was as though her envelope had been taken into the abyss beyond never to be seen again.
We had snacks when we got home and then Abbi told me that she was tired, I went to look in her bed a little while later and no Abbi, peering into the other rooms I see that she had covered herself up into her dad's covers and brought all of her accessories from her bed and fallen asleep! Too cute!Kacen actually took a nap today!! I am so relieved when he does, I am able to get some housework done, read to the girls and play with them. Abbi learns best by hands on, we counted books today and potatoes! we took the potatoes out of the bag and then counted them one by one as we put them back. And counted the books into different piles. Yesterday Kacen stood up for a few seconds without holding onto anything!! It won't be long now!
Alona came home today with loads of dinosaur drawings and work. We brought a t-shirt to pre-school last week and she wore it home today, on it it said "Alonasaurus" and had a dinosaur painted on it and some trees, water, etc. And a huge painted paper triceratops accompanied her home as well.

Saturday photo, all eating graham crackers.

Is thi
s winter, or summer I think they are a bit confused!

Alona was licking the cheese grater
on Monday while grating the cheese.
Yes, she grates cheese and pleads with me to do it!

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