25 May, 2007

Would you like some pork chop with that salt?

pro:our card reader finally works!
semi-pro: My camera has been shipped off to New Jersey to be fixed
con: I will not be able to take pictures for awhile :(

We had pork chops and corn for dinner last night, I asked Alona to bring the salt to the table for the corn. I get everything to the table for dinner and look at her plate and her pork chop is very generously decorated with salt and pepper of which of course she would not eat after she tasted it.

It was warm enough to go for a walk before bed last night, the one point in the day where Kacen wasn't screaming. Once again Kacen did not take a nap yesterday. I swear Kacen and Abbi would take their turns screaming at me yesterday oh every five minutes or so.

Abbi pronounces Alona's name a little better or atleast a little differently! Instead of a-non-a it is now A-yon-a

Baby What?
Certainly not baby blues any more, Kacen's eyes now have a brownish yellow tint surrounding his pupil, can't wait to see the end result.


Staci said...

Sorry for your bad day. That's cute how Abbi says Alona! Sam used to say Allie "Owly" it was pretty cute but she doesn't say it like that anymore.

Paul said...

I loved the pork chops! that was the biggest one I have ever had actually. Thank You :) I didn't know Alona destroyed hers with salt...