18 May, 2007

Rise and Shine

I went into Kacen's room this morning and noticed him sleeping on his tummy. He now rolls over in the process of getting to sleep. It was so cute by the time that I found my camera he had woken up and found a my little pony that one of his sisters had left in his bed and had started chewing on it. Once again falling asleep tonight he ended up on his tummy. It was so calming, tonight he was laughing and giggly, I laid him down and he didn't make a peep. He went right to sleep! And he even took more than a three hour nap today! So different than yesterday where he stayed up until 11:00 and did not take any nap at all.
Today was Alona's preschool program, so darn cute they taught the children sign language to go along with the songs that they were singing! And they got to dance to Over the Rainbow with paper rainbows! Alona knew most of the sign language and was really awesome to watch. I took three pictures and video taped some of it and only one of the photos came out to where you actually depict what was actually happening, the other photos are too dark! That really sucks, the other photos are the ones that had Alona in them she was standing on the back row in between two taller children. She is going to be one of the shorter kids, so I guess that it is a good thing she will have another year to grow before going to Kindergarten. I remember my Kindergarten picture, I was the shortest girl in the class. She sang songs that I had already taught her, I guess I should learn the sign language to keep that going. In between all of the songs there were some little girls that were twirling around, some playing with their hair and some picking their noses I was quite amused but not shocked at which my child was doing. When we left Alona was able to take home her wind sock and I asked her if Abbi could hold it because she left out, Alona says no Mom, "it's special!" It's hard being a Mom and wanted all of your children to be happy at the same time. One of the teacher's helpers gave Abbi a paper rainbow to take home instead.

Abbi wanted to be a part of it, she kept wandering up to the stage and just sitting with the kids and doing as they were doing. She was so distraught when the teacher made her come back and sit with her mommy. I didn't see any harm in her being up there though.

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