22 May, 2007

So Exhausted

Saturday night: 5 hours of sleep, I was awakened by Kacen at 5 a.m. and was able to get all of us ready for church. We went to church with Grandma and Grandpa!! Stayed while daddy(Paul) slept most of the day and was able to see Kellie blessed. Paul and Brian shared some father-baby time! What a great thing for Andy to be able to do right after getting home from his mission.
Sunday night:Less than six hours.
Monday night: A little more than three hours, I went to sleep at midnight. Kacen woke up at 1:30 a.m. and went back to sleep at three a.m. He woke up again at 4:30 and slept a little while eating, which he finished at 6:30a.m. Tuesday morning.
Tuesday night: Not looking so great. Kacen went to bed about 9:20, Abbi kept crying to sleep with mommy until 9:45. No more two hour naps, no matter how much laundry I get folded! It is now a quarter after ten and I am so exhausted I wish that I could sleep during the day, my body will not let me. We took a detour walking home from the park to the convenient store to get chocolate, it is something that helps me to be a little less irritated when I get barely enough sleep to keep me going. I tried calling someone to be able to talk and get some stress relief, no answer! I hope that I get more sleep tonight! Wish me luck!

Tomorrow is Laura and Brian's farewell Party! For those who haven't heard, I am sure that they would love to see everyone before they leave!

Brian and Jacob, Brian made sure I caught his goofy face!

And then he did it again when taking a family picture of all three of them.


Staci said...

Sorry for the no sleep. That sucks I'm sure! I'm always super cranky with no sleep. Laura's farewell party was today (wednesday) or tomorrow (thursday)?

Emily Kate said...

Hey there's a picture of my husband! :) Have fun at Laura's thing tonight. I was going to go but I got stuck at school too late to get there in the traffic. :( Bummer!

Paul said...

I enjoyed it, just wish I could've said goodbye before we left :(