23 March, 2007

Lets go Fly a Kite

....Up to the highest height and send it soaring, up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear, Let's Go Fly a Kite! I love that song!!

We went to our church "playgroup" yesterday and they handed out dollar kites, I managed to put ours together and then after many tries we followed the majority of the other parents and tied an weight to our tail. We took turns, one child holding the string and running, the other child holding the kite, running and then letting go. Most attempts ended up with the kite being dragged behind the child that was running as fast as their little legs could carry them. The wind would be slightly blowing one moment and then the next it would die completely. Alona succeeded in getting the kite in the air, she was very disappointed when it came down after less than a minute. But it was awesome, I couldn't even get the kite in the air...and she did, what a great feat! Abbi had fun for the most part, I was sad for her that she wasn't able to get it in the air too.
It started to get really cold towards the end. At first the there was just one cloud and within that hour, you could barely tell that the sun was out let alone that it was ten minutes to noon, there were so many clouds.


Staci said...

It sounds like they had a blast. And you got a picture of her kite in the air!! Bravo! I always miss things like that. (I like Mary Poppins too!)

CrunchyChick said...

What a fun playgroup!

Paul said...

It seems like I will never get to the end of the tunnel.... I am never there! I wish I was, and that all was already ok instead of gonna be... :(