09 March, 2007


Kacen slept through the night last night and Tuesday night! Tuesday he went to bed at 8:30 and woke up at 7:00. Last night he went to bed at 9:30 and woke up at 8:00. So he went for 10 1/2 hours! I have grown so accustomed to disturbances in the night that now I am waking up 1-2 times without a baby crying at me. Kacen is eating baby cereal, last week he would gag and choke almost every time that it was administered to him and we would come to his aid with a pat on the back or a squirt of water from his bottle. At the beginning of this week he started doing so much better, his new found talent while trying to eat, talking and blowing bubbles! His ability to eat, swallow baby cereal has grown as the week has progressed. Watch out vegetables, here we come! Yes I took pictures.

Alona on Wednesday after much aggravation, whining and screaming is amazing at riding her two wheeler! Okay so it has training wheels, but she is doing so awesome. On Wednesday she had trouble making the pedal go forward when she was stopped, I showed her that she could wiggle the pedal and she showed herself how to push start it to move the pedal a little more forward. She fell on our ride around the block on Thursday, I helped her figure out that if she puts her foot down on the ground when she thinks that she is going to fall, she won't! So now she does that! I am so in awe to watch them grow to remember at what point Alona was at just last summer and her advances right now.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

What glorious sleep you must be getting! :)