13 March, 2007

In the Morning

Alona starts pre-school tomorrow! The lady that I was continuously calling for over a month finally got back to me. I thought that I would be signing up for school for next year. When she called she says, "I have an opening for Mondays and Wednesdays, you could start this week." She gets to celebrate St. Patricks Day and wear a green shirt and interact with other children! It is at a great time, well kind of 9 a.m. is quite early especially to be all ready and at a place, but it is not interfering with any nap times!! It was a great thing I know someone who takes her kid there, so I don't feel as though I am leaving her with a complete stranger I feel much more at ease knowing someone who goes there and hearing good things about it.
I shall remember to take pictures and Paul is off tomorrow! (So that means they can be posted!)

1 comment:

emily kate said...

How exciting! I'm sure she'll love it. Preschool is so fun! Enjoy a little break from her and some time with Paul!