02 December, 2008

Santa visit

We went and saw Santa Clause at the Provo Library. The girls did well telling Santa what they wanted. I could get a picture of Kacen with Santa only by sitting with him. Alona was real stoked, she kept saying she was dressed like Santa all except for the beard and the hat. They had a fshing pond and crafts on the third floor. Alona did a really good job making a Santa clause sucker, he had pants! They also made candy cane reindeer, the girls found bright pink noses and claimed that their reindeer was Rudolph. I like the picture when their faces in the holes! Alona is simple and only asked Santa for one thing, had to convince her to write a letter to him, because she says he is magic and all ready knows. I told her that he is old and maybe he needs a little reminder. She wants a shopping cart with a place for a baby. Abbi wants a baby, with a high chair and a baby swing. And Kacen is barely two, so I asked him things... Do you want a fire truck? "I do.", Do you want some trains? "I do." After we were done I asked Kacen if he was scared of Santa , "Yeah".


Mandy said...

Your kids are SO beautiful! :) I love it! :)

How fun to get to meet Santa. Always fun and the little ones always seem to be scared. :)

Paul said...

hehe all of our kids have been scared to sit alone with Santa when they were younger. It's our kids instinctive tradition :p