19 December, 2008

playing in a winter wonderland

The kids really need outside time. They went out some time last week when it wasn't too cold and played in the snow. And then Alona went out this past Friday in the snow storm when the sun had almost gone down. She was allowed to go out in her snow suit, but I couldn't find Abbi's that I purchased this past March. She stayed inside gloomily with Mommy until Alona came in, which wasn't too long. I think its kinda cool, you can see the snow falling all around her.
I think it is great that all three of them are big enough to be let outside to play without Mommy being there every moment.


Mandy said...

SO much fun! :) It looks like the kids really are enjoying themselves. :)

Paul said...

I wish I could be home/awake playing with them