09 December, 2008

Dr. Appt

Woohoo, I saw my little baby! Jesse is 3 inches long all ready! didn't hear the heartbeat, but saw Jesse wiggling arms and legs. Jesse was getting anxious waiting for the doctor too. Jesse was wiggling, could feel it, while we were waiting the half hour for the Dr. to come in. I love my Dr. and so glad that I was able to drive up there to see him. The only down side, our babysitter fell through and Paul's day off to see the baby on the ultrasound turned out to be his day off to watch the kids while I went to the Dr. I was so sad about that. I am measuring 12 weeks and 2 days today, which would mean a due date of June 21st, though he says he is sticking with the date of June 24th because he says a few days don't matter.


Mandy said...


I am so sorry that Paul wasn't able to go with you! You should have called! Please call me if you ever need someone for the kiddies! I would be happy to take them!

But that is so great and exciting and wonderful that you were able to see the baby! :) Isn't that the greatest!?! :) :) :)

jayne wells said...

Heather! I love the name Jesse. I have a dear cousin named Jesse! Congrats!