27 January, 2008

A wonderful Man, of God

President Hinckley died tonight at 7:00 p.m..
It was like a chain reaction of calling within our family that only took minutes, Paul's Grandmother, Caren , Ruth, me, Marta, Paul, etc,etc. Paul called to tell me while I was on the phone telling Marta.
I sat the kids down to tell them, they were holding the photograph that we have of him and Abbi says, "Goodbye, see you in Heaven" and then she put the photo face down on the couch next to her. Abbi showed "President Hinckley" to her 15 month old brother and he started kissing him....

Being that only six years ago I got into the church and before then the families I grew up with did not discuss the hierarchy of the church. I could see the Bishop up there at the pulpit and that was what I knew, so President Hinckley is the only Prophet that I have known. I love and adore this man . The books that he wrote, the talks that he gave, all so amazing and awe inspiring. I loved listening to him and seeing him at conference. A man of God I know that he is. I am so glad that he is home with his wife
Till We meet Again!

I tried posting my comment on ksl but it was having issues!

1 comment:

Bagley Briefs said...

What a sweet and thoughtful post. We will truly miis President Hinckley.