15 January, 2008

Tissue Blowing

Kacen gets really upset when we clean off his nose with a tissue. He like any child loves independence, yesterday he found a tissue, picked it up and blew his own nose! And now I can hand him a tissue and tell him to blow his nose and he does, it is so cute my little 14 mo old blowing his nose.
Don't mind my voice, before the camera started working I gave him the tissue and asked him to blow his nose.


Paul said...

we have such a cute little boy! but he did an even better job when I got to watch him do it, I'm certainly amazed and impressed.

Kasynia said...

Awesome! Teh Boy still can't/won't blow his nose. He can't figure out the 'blowing' part. Drives me insane because he sounds like he's constantly stuffed up.

Lucky Lucky Heather!