08 January, 2008


At the beginning of the year, for two years now we have had a Family Home Evening on new goals for the year. And this year we were able to see how we did with last years goals and able to make some new ones.
We have six goals, one for Home and Family,Interests and Hobbies, Spiritual, Physical, Friends and School.
My goals for last year were
*Reading ten books! I ended up reading eight of them and enjoyed most of them quite thoroughly.
I read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse and was down trodden when I was completed with the books. New book to come this year!
I read I am a Mother...this book is great, it really gives you a boost as a mother, consistently stating that it is an amazing work and that I and other one of these alike should be proud to say when asked what I do.." I am a Mother!"
I read Christlike Parenting, this is a great book. Dr.Glen Latham is a great writer and Doctor, helping many parents to face the challenge of raising children and especially evaluating the way that you reproach everything and seeing if it is Christlike. He also wrote:The Power of Positive Parenting which is one of the books that American Mothers Inc has on their reading list.
I read Crossroads, this was a great book, a conversion story took to me and hooked my mind in interest.
I read All Moms Go to Heaven by Dean Hughes. It was a good book, though not what I expected. He related stories and experiences of raising children and a short period of when he had to stay home with his kids, thinking that he would get some time to write, since he is a writer and he was amazed at how little time that he had and how much children took.
*Exercising every day for a month...maybe I did that last January?
*Be more relaxed, play more with children. I think that we did that, I spent many times and have many pictures of teaching them new things and being happy watching them learn and share with others. I may not have a great imagination or creativity like dad, but I can teach my children,enjoy what I know how to do and take care of them.
*Sit by someone new at church. I have done this at least once. The constant shift of people moving in and out of our ward made this easily possible. Though for the past few months Kacen doesn't like me to attend any classes. I am looking forward to reading the new Joseph Smith Manual.
*Learn how to knit...I did not succeed at this one. Hopefully some time soon I can accomplish a feat like this or something similar.

My goals for this year are as follows:
Teach children the importance of exercise, do it with them.
Make a new cover for high chair
Pray more fervently
Get to pre-pregnancy weight
Reach out to others
learn more sign language
We have also resolved to help each other reach their goals. So I get to teach the girls how to give a Family Home Evening lesson. Teach Abbi her colors and her shapes, set the table, hit a baseball and put on her own shirt.Alona has a goal of being more reverent, playing with her friends more often which is difficult I am afraid of letting her walk down the road with how busy that it is and there are only two other children within her age range and one of them is usually in school or doing home work. Working with Alona on reading and writing two letter words is another goal, she also wants dance and piano lessons! And then Kacen gets to learn how to fold his arms, build blocks, kick a ball, learn more words, etc. things that come almost naturally for a one year old.

1 comment:

Kasynia said...

That is a fabulous idea! I love it. You inspire me to be better, all the time. :)

I should definitely see about setting some resolutions myself. >.<

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to hear that 'reverence' is a goal. Awww.. I wish Gabe had a desire to be quieter when the need arises.

You have such wonderful kids!