15 April, 2010


I've been slacking on my blogging. And for no good reason. Lots to catch up on :) a little at a time..

Jesse waved for the first time yesterday! I have been practicing with him saying bye bye and helping him wave when we leave places. Yesterday we watched some friends at our house and Jesse waved bye-bye to Mandy :) Here are some pictures of us at the park yesterday!
Wednesday Alona had her first field trip, she went to a farm :) Among her class was the 75,000th person to attend the farm that they went to. So their whole class was given a free t-shirt and had their picture taken, possibly for a publication. She also brought home a little baggie with some wheat in it that she gets to grow. She had a lot of fun.

Today Abbi went on her first field trip! She had been there before, but it was the first time on a bus, with a class of her own without her Mommy! I showed up at her school just in time. The bus pulled in to the school right after me. I unbuckled Kacen and ran to catch Abbi coming off of the bus. Thankfully she was one of the last ones off. She had a lot of fun. I enjoyed talking to her about her trip, trying to help her tell me about it, asking if she had hippos, nooo mom! Did you have Gorillas, nooo! We had lambs! Ohh, did you have camels? No! How about a cow? YES! Oh it must have been a farm! "We had rabbits, too! I had to wash my hands cause I got to feed the rabbit!"

1 comment:

Mandy said...

They are so cute. :)
You are a great mommy. :) Your kids are blessed to have you.