16 April, 2010

Our little Garden

Beginning of March we planted seeds into egg cartons as a family. I read the instructions carefully and figured out which ones needed to be planted inside first. So we planted tomatoes, celery and peppers, I even wrote on the carton right by each one what they were with either a "P" , a "C" or a "T". And then we started watering the little seeds. And with the watering the soil began turning the egg carton a darker color. The letters that helped us acknowledge what these little seedlings were had vanished. Being that we grew tomatoes two years ago, we know that our tall plants are the tomatoes, but the other two pots above we dont have a clue. I guess we will be surprised when we see what grows on them!
Two of our three plants are growing fabulously and in a few weeks we will start putting them outside and in the meantime we are getting the ground ready for them. And I am trying to remember to water them every day.
I had all four of the children outside helping me weed the ground this past Saturday. Jesse got his first taste of dirt!

They were all a big help, finding worms!


The Barneys said...

Yeah. I have to say that I planted and forgot to mark last year on some and so I had to wait to see.

Mandy said...

I have to say, I'm totally jealous of your garden!